Month: December 2012

  • Distance makes the heart grow fonder...

    ... but sometimes it doesn't.

    I'm slowly forgetting about you.

    How you talked.

    How you laughed.

    How you smiled.

    That isn't weird, is it? We only spent one weekend together so it shouldn't be.

    Then you say something weird like you love me. As friends? As something more?

    I don't even know anymore, and I'm trying to decide whether or not I care.

    Because distance does make the heart grow fonder.

    But sometimes...

    it just makes the heart forget.

  • Life

    I was going to write a long entry tonight but it's already past midnight, and I have an exam tomorrow! So I'll save that long post for later.

    Here's something a bit shorter! 

    We sang karaoke two Saturdays ago with the youth pastor candidate. Just this last Saturday it was made official that the 'candiate' portion would be dropped! So we finally have a youth pastor. :] ptl

    The girl in the orange is Kelly. She's very cute! I hope I get to see her again sometime.

    My brother is in the background being a doofus.

    And karaoke is fun! 

    So is life.