November 3, 2012

  • Let's play a game

    I really don't like it when people don't respond to messages. 

    I really, really don't like it. 

    It makes me feel like we're playing a game. The heart longs for what it can't have, and when you respond readily I feel like I could let you go so easily. But when you leave me hanging... that's when I go crazy. You probably aren't doing it on purpose because you're not that type of gal, but it still drives me up the wall. In reality, you probably just don't care enough to respond. I thought it was going so well too. Questions on both sides, I even tried to end the conversation but you continued it on your own accord. So I thought maybe there was progress. 

    Wrong again, I guess.

    Liking a girl is difficult. When I was younger, I used to revel in the process of liking a girl. The anxious moments and nervous feelings-- it was all a rush no matter how things turned out. It's a bit different now. Crushes, likes, and girlfriends have all come and gone, and I'm left feeling fatigued by it all. It's nice to like a girl, sure, but it's even better to know that what you're doing is going both ways and is not one sided. 

    But all I do is ramble. 

    I need to stop liking you because it's unhealthy. My mind is going crazy and my heart doesn't like to be toyed with.

    Whatever, i'm so melodramatic.

Comments (6)

  • Girls are surprisingly dumb when it comes to when a guy is trying to say something to them. Don't think too deep into it if she isn't sending the signals back. You never know. :)

  • @Th3LastUnicorn - haaa your're right! to be honest, i'm starting to just give up on all this love stuff. just not for me right now haha

  • Aww. I'm sorry to hear that dude! Some girls aren't that.. much aware? -shrugs- idk. D: but yeah.. I agree.. maybe some girls are just oblivious to signals. xD;;

    and I've been having a better week. Yay. :3

  • With some girls, you just have to be straight up and tell them you're interested.  With others, they already know but are conveniently ignoring it and that's when you need to start ignoring them. 

    P.S. Irony: sorry it took me like 7 months to respond to your comment!  I got super busy and forgot all about my blog! :(  

  • @ORated_Reality - ahh girls are so complicated! haha 

    with this girl I think it's the latter... so i guess it's time to start ignoring her? heh

    p.s. it's okay! honestly it was a real surprise to see a comment response from so long ago! lol are you less busy now? you should blog more! 

  • Haha! Not necessarily.. I think it really depends on who you play with.. :3 But it is fun.. x];; Even if you're not drinking. But I felt hella awkward cause everybody who was playing was like hella hyper or probably a little bit tipsy..xD

    Just kind of weird for everyone getting overly excited and I'm the calm sober one on the side.. lulz...

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